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Bundesliga Team of the Week: Round 25 - Super Ribery, Robben ...
Mar 12, 2012 . Bundesliga Team of the Week: Round 25 - Super Ribery, Robben & Gomez feature in attack . RA Video © • Made by Rahim Abdullaev • Rate, comment and subscribe. . Hoffenheim (0-0) Away 2011-2012 Franck Ribery vs. . Jean Fernandez took a liking to him and recruited him on a free transfer.

Hoffenheim-Trainer Markus Babbel schießt gegen Ex-Klub: Hertha ...
1. Mai 2012 . Hoffenheim-Trainer schiesst gegen Ex-Klub Hertha hat den . Jubel über den ersten Bundesliga-Punkt nach Herthas Wiederaufstieg 2011: .

Monténégrines (23-22), mardi.